A Glimpse into the Fascinating World of Trig Functions: No Math Degree Required

Hey there, curious minds! Are you ready for a fun and unique way to explore the origins of trigonometry functions sin(θ) & cos(θ)? The trigonometry functions sin(θ) and cos(θ) play a crucial role in mathematics and science, and have numerous real-world applications, such as in navigation, physics, and engineering. Don't worry, you don't need any prior math knowledge to engage in this exploration.

Take a look at this animated gif. It shows a point tracing around the circumference of a circle (the length of the outside edge of the circle). Did you know that this simple movement is the foundation of the sin(θ) & cos(θ) curves? It's a fascinating concept, and one that I invite you to discover.

As you explore this gif, pay attention to the movement of the point as it traces the circumference of the circle and creates the sin(θ) & cos(θ) curves. Here are a few questions to keep in mind as you explore:

  • How would you describe the GREEN point's movement around the circumference of the circle?

  • How would you describe the RED point's movement as it creates the sin(θ) curve? the BLUE point's movement as it creates the cos(θ) curve?

  • How does the point's movement around the circumference of the circle relate to the creation of the sin(θ) curve? to the cos(θ) curve?

Remember, the best way to learn is through exploration and discovery. Don't be afraid to question, wonder, and make connections; and don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back for taking the time to learn something new today! Happy exploring!

BONUS: What is going on with the YELLOW portions of this animated gif? Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post on radians to learn more.

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